Earn decent returns with positive-sum games - Alpha vs Beta

Don't get into the hyper-competitive game of short-term trading, unless you're ready to spend 100% of your time on researching / maintaining your edge over everyone else. If you're not ready to do that, play the easy game of investing - which benefits everyone.


Invest into things that have intrinsic value for society, bear some risks, get paid for it.

Returns attributed to taking a ā€œrisk premiumā€.
  • Available for anyone.
  • Doesnā€™t require any kind of edge / advantage.
  • Positive sum game. You, and everyone else gains.
  • Long-lived. As long as the vehicle / market works, itā€™ll be available for everyone.

Beta can manifest itself in various ways:

  • Seeking yield (eg. buying bonds)
  • Value (eg. buying relatively cheap companies' stock)
  • Growth (eg. buying stocks that are on a good trajectory)
  • Selling insurance (reducing someone elseā€™s exposure to volatility, by selling options)

You can get diversified Beta by buying an ETF tracking the S&P 500 index, or long-term European bonds.


Forex / crypto bots, active fund managers forecasting macro trends.

Excess returns you gain over the market (Beta).
  • Only available to you.
  • Requires you to have an edge / advantage (information thatā€™s not baked into the price already).
  • Zero-sum game. If you gain, somebody loses. (if there are fees, then it's a negative sum game)
  • Short-lived. As soon as the market finds about your edge, itā€™ll arbitrage it away.

As a retail (non-institutional) investor, your alpha (edge) sources are limited. Anything well-known is probably arbitraged away already (if it can be), by the time the info reaches you.

Alpha is like going to a prestigious college with the smartest of your peers to all compete for the same jobs. Itā€™s the macho game, where your gains will be potentially very short-lived, and you may never know if you just delude yourself or you actually have an edge. ā€œExcellent analouge by Mihir A. Desaiā€.

Some implicitly do this by investing based on their own opinions.