
I'm in Europe - what do I do?

Congrats, good choice of... place to live! ๐Ÿพ

Unfortunately, there are some restrictions of what kind of products you can invest into. Forget about the most liquid or specialized ETFs that are available in the US. You can usually find equivalents of them on the EU market though, check out JustETF.

You're gonna be paying more fees for any transaction in Europe (or at least the spreads are usually wider), which probably means you'll want to have a portfolio with less transactions (turnover). So a tilt towards more of a static portfolio could be a good idea.

Static Portfolio (Strategic Asset Allocation)

There are also not many Tactical Asset Allocation funds in Europe, unfortunately. This may be one of them.

Surprisingly, Reddit's EUPersonalFinance is quite a good community, if you have some questions.