
Where to read more?

Sites / Blogs

AllocateSmartly - a tool that lets you mix Tactical Asset Allocation strategies that you can use. They have an excellent blog.

Boogleheads Wiki

Of Dollars and Data

Moontower Money Wiki

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7 Mistakes Every Investor Makes - "An honest investment self help book that doesn’t read like a normal self help book. No secrets, magic recipes but rather logical advice backed by research and data. Highly recommended for both private and professional investors."

Global Asset Allocation - Quick guide to asset allocation.

The Wisdom of Finance - A unique book drawing analogies between real-life and finance.

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Quant Communities

I've learnt a ton from being part of the RobotWealth community. Sometimes, the marketing language may seem a bit off, but I think their blog clearly displays the quality of conceptual and technical education you're getting. It's led by two very down-to-earth, pragmatic and knowledgeable guys. I think it had the single biggest influence on my thinking about investing in general.